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Mobile Stat Labs

Emergency Stat Labs (24 hour scheduling turn around)

15 min
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Patient's Home, office, etc...,

Service Description

Introduction: Laboratory studies are an important part of Emergency Medicine. Laboratory studies should only be ordered in a setting where a specific study combined with the patient’s pretest probability (symptoms, signs, and risk factors), will give a post-test probability of a disease process that will change the management of the patient. Statistics, likelihood ratio and Bayesian theorem are out of scope of this current discussion with a focus on indications to order, interpretation of, and costs of common emergency department tests. The selection of the appropriate test for a patient requires consideration of a number of factors including cost, assay performance and epidemiology.

Cancellation Policy

Please cancel with in 24 hours, there will be a $25.00 cancellation fee

Contact Details


SL Concierge Nursing Services & Co., is a Mobile Company Pembroke Pines, FL, USA

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